12 February 2010

Bundaleer "Hearts" Snow!

Not one but two exciting news updates for Bundaleer this weekend!

1) Bundaleer has been notified that he has a koala cousin in the US whose name is Uki! Like Bundaleer, Uki enjoys curious koala adventures as well as quiet days at home. We are awaiting more details on this exciting new development.

2) Just hours from now, Bundaleer and his caretakers will travel to experience snow of historic proportions. That's right: Julie and Ben are taking Bundaleer to Washington DC! Sled in tow, the group will explore museums by day, and watch Olympic feats at night. All, including Bundaleer, will travel by Amtrak.

Bundaleer wishes each of you a warm and cozy Valentine's Day!

10 February 2010

Ready, Set.......Wheeeeeeeeee!

Finally out of doors, Bundaleer practiced his sledding technique on a kids' slide in New York's Central Park. Indeed, the deft koala landed fully upright and said proudly, "See, that was easy!"

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

And now for the real thing!

Ready, Set ... Hold On Tight, Bundaleer!

Bundaleer squeals, "Here I go......!"

"Wheeeeeeeeeee! I'm flying!"

: : : : : : : : : : : : :

"Oh no! I've gone off course!"

"Oh, bugger! Well, it was a fine ride anyway. But I think I am ready for some hot eucalyptus tea."

"Hmmm... I didn't see any other koalas out in Central Park. I guess they are home taking a nap. Oh, that sounds like a nice plan... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz... "


URGENT ALERT: Bundaleer was found overturned in his sled -- but alright -- after trying in vain to open a window while his owners worked and did errands out in the blizzard. The young koala apologized for letting his excitement get in the way of safety. While no regulations currently exist, a helmet will likely be recommended for active little Bundaleer.

Don't worry, readers! Soon, the window will be carefully opened so that our favorite koala may experience his first real blizzard!

07 February 2010

A Sled for Bundaleer

Yesterday, I received my first winter sled! Julie built it for me at home. It fits me perfectly! It even has a koala seat belt! Below, I am trying out the sled for the first time...

Next, I did a "dry run" down a soft, grassy hill. I guess I had a little help. It takes time for koalas to learn how to drive a sled.

Finally, I had to pass the brick wall test. That's the steepest hill of all. But I didn't fall out. Koalas learn how to hang on very well -- and very early -- in life.

I can't wait to go out in the snow!