07 September 2010

FOUND: Bundaleer's Cousin, Yuki!

At last! Bundaleer's long-lost cousin came out of hiding! Observe and appreciate the sheer joy on the faces of those who missed Yuki -- and finally found him!

Gavin and Caidan, along with their brother Matthias, gave Yuki the full royal treatment to celebrate his long-awaited, happy homecoming! The boys directed tasty feasts as well as special activities in Yuki's honor.

Yuki had been missing for nearly six months. He is a wee bit even smaller than his cousin, Bundaleer. There was worry among koala fans that his small body had met with great harm. But fortunately, that was not the case! Here is Yuki last week, playfully moving among Christmas cactus branches.

Handmade by my dear sister, Yuki carries on the family tradition of perky ears, an honest face and evenly matched arms and legs. Yuki, however, is quite a bit trimmer than Bundaleer. I suspect Bundy likes to nibble on things all day long when I am not looking -- and Yuki could not do that so easily while in hiding.

Here's Yuki, checking his email after six months offline. You may wonder where this little guy actually was for six months! Apparently somewhere "behind a basket on a shelf near the kitchen sink." Well, I guess you never know where a koala's going to fall asleep!

Any comments or messages from readers to little Yuki may be made via the comments section below. Of course, we will work on getting answers back to you as soon as possible!

Long live sweet koalas -- and their friends!

1 comment:

  1. Wir denken, er braucht auch ein Blackberry!
